Top 5 News Sources

Top 5 News Sources You Should Be Using

 In todays world it is crucial for you to stay in touch with the latests news. Finding good, reliable, and well written news sources are extremely important, but trying to find them on your own can be overwhelming and stressful. Maybe you don't know where to look, or what site is telling you the truth. Well I've decided to do the work for you! Here are my top 5 news sources! 

  The Wall Street Journal has been credited to being the 3rd most accurate news source by Gallup and the Knight Foundation.  The WSJ is most known for their articles on the stock market, business, and not only national politics but as well as international. The website itself is one of my favorites on this list! With its simplistic black and white color palette and easy to navigate web design. As a young woman who wasn't raised with parents who didn't like to discuss finances having a place to go to stay up to date is incredible. 

 PBS NewsHour is a centralist news outlet that gives great insight on latest topics. The website itself can be a bit much if you have never been on it before but once you've given it a good look around it will be as easy as when you first signed up for Instagram! One feature I love is the live or play back news footage and clips that they have posted and are constantly uploading. Videos are great resource for someone who is busy and doesn't have a lot of time and read long articles. 


  The New York Times is a left leaning news source and is the one of the oldest publication on my list. The Times have a lot diversity on their site with recent politics, pop culture, and even some word games. I actually appreciate these even though they aren't directly associated to the news themselves because it brings people to the site and gives them the opportunity to get familiar with their formatting. The tabs on the site help easily navigate a number of different topics. 


  CNBC is the news channel I grew up watching with my family and I have found it to be reliable. They are frequently updating there site with current events along with having a 24 hour live stream that you can access online. The website itself doesn't have my favorite design and can be very confusing for a first time user. The pop ups and moving graphics can be jarring and confusing but once you press on an article or topic you're interested in you are able to clearly read them. 


  Associated Press has been credited to be the most centralist news outlet. The website is very easy to navigate and find the articles you would like to read. They have a wide variety of topics to read about, from climate, to politics, to entertainment. One of my favorite section to read about is their 'Science' portion. I love space and technology and you can read a lot about new scientific discoveries in this section. 


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